Voyage Calculator

This tool is intended to enable users of ForwarderLink to determine the Voyage Code for rating purposes for any voyage or transit. 

Origin and destination countries are listed into Area Categories download as per the link below for rating purposes within this website. The full list of countries, any restrictions, excluded countries and their respective categories can be viewed HERE.

The Voyage Code is determined by the origin, FROM country, and the destination, TO country, and the applicable rate will be in accordance with clients Policy Schedules.

To obtain the Voyage Code please simply select the FROM and TO countries from the drop down menu and the code will appear along with any restrictions for the voyage.

If the country does not appear in the drop down menu this is usually because it is an excluded country, to insure your cargo you will need to obtain permission from our underwriters.   

Voyage Calculator

Explanations of country restrictions

“Port Only” denotes that cargo insurance cover for this country either:

- commences at Airport/Port only for exports FROM that country (or from border only if by land conveyance)


- ceases absolutely at Airport/Port only for exports INTO that country (or to border only if by land conveyance)

In the event that the insured cargo is transported via or through any country listed in the WNRAD column then cover ceases entirely and terminates at the Airport/Port/Border of the listed country with no onward cover being provided unless with the approval of underwriters.

“No War” denotes that cover for war and strikes risks as per the relevant Institute Clauses is not automatically provided within the website.